Julie Duggan, Pelvic Health Physio


BSc (HONS) Physiotherapy, CSP, HCPC, Advanced Ponseti Certification, Paediatric Orthopaedic Physiotherapist.

Julie graduated with a BSc (Hons) degree, from Salford university in 2004.  She started her physiotherapy career at Arrowe Park Hospital, where she spent 3 years gaining experience in all areas of the hospital.  However, Julie always knew her calling was to work with children. So, in 2007, she got her dream job working at Alder hey Hospital, where she has been ever since.

Julie has vast experience of working with a huge variety of paediatric conditions, but her area of expertise is with babies with orthopaedic conditions.  She has specialised in this field for 9 years and she is the only physiotherapist at Alder Hey who treats babies with conditions such as torticollis, positional club foot, structural club foot and other foot abnormalities.  Her role has progressed at Alder hey into a specialist orthopaedic practitioner.  This mean she works independently; assessing and treating new patients that may have not been seen by a doctor, she will diagnose and decide upon the best course of treatment for her patient.  She also decides if a baby may need a surgical procedure on their feet, she assists the consultant during the operation and then reviews them post-operatively to decide if the surgery has been a success.

Julie has completed the basic and advanced Ponseti club foot courses and attends the annual club foot 2-day conference, keeping abreast of current treatment techniques.  She is always trying to further her knowledge, to provide the highest level of care for her patients.  Consequently, with this, and her years of hands-on experience in one of the country’s most specialist hospitals, it means she is highly experienced to assess babies and children with such conditions.

Julie is highly involved with teaching new doctors and physiotherapists at Alder Hey hospital and often staff from other hospitals will come to observe and learn from her at work.  She is also involved with external teaching of such conditions to doctors and other health care professionals outside of Alder Hey Hospital and she is frequently someone that other hospitals refer their patients to for a second opinion.

If your baby has any orthopaedic conditions arising or present from birth, such as torticollis (neck tightness), plagiocephaly (flattened head), foot abnormalities, such as club foot, or you just want an orthopaedic assessment, like a baby MOT for peace of mind; Julie is the person to see. 

Julie has two children herself, therefore she understands the worry and anxiety that can come with having a newborn baby and how long NHS wait times, could contribute to this.  She realises the importance of having the right person to look after you and your baby, who will provide you with a high level of care, empathy and a professional attitude.  You can be assured that Julie will strive to do her best for you and your baby.

Julie is registered with the Health Professionals Council (HCPC) and a member of the Charted Society of Physiotherapists (CSP).

Outside of work, Julie is kept busy with her two boys and family life.  She participates in a family taekwondo class with them, and they are always off on an adventure together. She loves being a Mum! Julie is at her happiest outdoors: walking, running, climbing mountains, on the beach, paddle-boarding.